Recognition and Equation
Procedure for Recognition and Equation of Qualifications
You may apply for Recognition and Equation of Qualifications manually or through an online system as described below:
Manual application for Recognition and Equation of Qualifications
Recognising Local Qualifications
- A duly filled form and a letter requesting for recognition of qualification
- Original and Certified copies of all required certificates
- Original and certified copies of Transcripts
- Copy of National Identity Card (ID) or Passport
- Evidence of payment
Equating of Foreign Qualifications
- A duly filled form and application letter
- Original and certified copies of Certificates and Transcripts
- Copies of National Identity (ID) or Passport
- Evidence of payment
- Where there are changes in names, provide an affidavit stamped by Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB)
- Where the qualifications are not in English, translation of the copies should be obtained
Military Qualifications
- Duly filled application form and letter requesting for equating of qualification
- Letter from Army/Police/Prisons authority
- Copies of military qualification
- Copies of National Identity (ID) or Passport
- Evidence of payment
Download Equation of Qualification form below
- Applications should be submitted during working days (Monday to Friday) and during working time (8am-5pm)
- Letters of recognition/Equation will take upto 3 months. If an applicant does not hear from us after that period she make an inquiry.